Request Structure
api/trigger/{Location}/{DataType} {Element} {TimePeriod} {Operator} {Value}?app_id={APP_ID}&app_key={APP_KEY}
Before you start using the WeatherTrigger API, it is important to know the following
The API provides as open a system as possible to allow users to query a wide range of weather elements. It's based around logical Components to help create intuitive requests.
API Base URL: or
api/trigger/{Location}/{DataType} {Element} {TimePeriod} {Operator} {Value}?app_id={APP_ID}&app_key={APP_KEY},-0.12/forecast 2014.04.24.12,2014.04.25.12 temperature gt 16?app_id={APP_ID}&app_key={APP_KEY}
{ "ConditionMatched":"No", "ConditionMatchedNum":"0" }
ConditionMatched - "Yes" or "No"
ConditionMatchedNum - "1" or "0"